The NordLink HVDC interconnector will start normal operation from 1st March 2021 and intentionally be given a ramping possibility of 600 MW/h, as for all existing Nordic interconnectors. To put one more interconnector with 600 MW/hour into operation will however increase the potential maximum ramping in NO2 with 50 %. Adding to the challenge is that the strengthening of the grid in the southern part of Norway is not finished yet which will lead to temporary reductions in grid capacity as informed about in earlier market informations, latest on 201104.
To ensure operational security, Statnett has decided to use the period with trial operation to build experience gradually by a stepwise increase of the allowed ramping on NordLink.
Statnett will start with a first step of 25% increased maximum ramping rate for NO2 by limiting the NordLink ramping to maximum 300 MW/hour from start of the trial operation 1st December 2020. Statnett will monitor potential severe excursions of predefined operational limits on frequency and flows in the grid. If no such excursions are detected with large total ramping in NO2 in the energy markets, Statnett will increase the allowed ramping for NordLink during the trial period so the ordinary operation can be with 600 MW/hour.
Statnett will come back with new information before allowed ramping in NO2 is changed. We will also remind stake holders that a webinar for ramping restrictions on Nordic level will be arranged in January 2021.