The new power line is necessary for ensuring security of supply in Finnmark. The line will facilitate increased creation of value in the region and contribute to realisation of the development of new renewable energy.
New 420 kV power line ensuring security of supply in Finnmark.
The new power line is necessary for ensuring security of supply in Finnmark. The line will facilitate increased creation of value in the region and contribute to realisation of the development of new renewable energy.
Contract for the construction of 420 kV powerline from Skillemoen to Skaidi has been awarded Dalekovod D.D.
RFTs have been sent out to pre-qualified power line contractors for the stretch from Skillemoen to Skaidi.
Statnett has decided to start work on the last stretch of the Balsfjord–Skaidi project, from Skillemoen in Alta to Skaidi in Kvalsund. The extension of the power line into East Finnmark is dictated …
Nord-Troms District Court has processed the case relating to the validity of the licence and expropriation permit for construction of a 420 kV power line from Balsfjord to Skaidi. The licence and e …
Nord-Troms District Court is considering the validity of the licence and expropriation permit for construction of a 420 kV power line from Balsfjord to Skaidi.
This week the first 420 kV overhead lines were attached to the towers in a northerly direction from Balsfjord.
Siemens AS has been recommended for the Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) contract for the new Skaidi substation.
The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy (MPE) has now considered the appeal from reindeer grazing district 26 - Lákkonjárga relating to the Construction and Environmental Management Plan (CEMP).
This week the first 420 kV tower was erected in the Balsfjord – Skaidi project. This was tower number 9 near Balsfjord. In total, 626 towers will be built from Balsfjord to Skaidi.
Today, work started on the first subsection from Balsfjord to Reisadalen.
Statnett will invite the public for an open meeting in each municipality to inform them about the construction plans and how they will affect each municipality.
Statnett recently signed a contract with Eltel Networks and Rebaioli SPA for the construction of a 420 kV power line between Balsfjord and Skaidi.