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Liåsen substation

New substation at Liåsen in Oslo.

Increased power consumption in southern Oslo is expected, as a result of urban densification in southern Oslo, population growth in Follo and a new converter at Åsland in connection with the new Follo railway line. Residential development plans in the Gjersrud-Stensrud area could also contribute to increased consumption. This is why a new substation in the area is necessary. Statnett initially presented concrete plans for a new substation at Liåsen in the alternative analysis for the Greater Oslo Grid Plan in 2012. The substation will connect Statnett’s existing 420 kV line with Hafslund Nett’s lines and cables. This is an effective way to strengthen the power supply for southern Oslo and parts of Follo in the future.

Statnett has applied for a licence for the substation. Licences in the energy sector are processed in accordance with the Energy Act.