The LMA (Norwegian version) discusses and quantifies trends and uncertainties in the European market and how this interacts with the development of consumption, production, and electricity prices in Norway. The report is published in Norwegian, however a summary is available in english. 

The analysis complements the Short-Term Market Analysis (Norwegian only), which covers the development over the next five years. We publish these reports to make it easier to gain insight into our assumptions and the rationale behind them. 

The market analyses provide an important basis for more specific analyses of grid needs, socio-economic benefits of grid reinforcements, operational challenges, and other market-related conditions. We use the scenarios and various model datasets from the LMA as a starting point in many model-based analyses. The LMA also provides important input to the System Development Plan (SUP)

For Statnett, this process is necessary while also streamlining our analysis activities. Developments in the Nordic region and Europe are of great importance to Norway and to Statnett's decisions. To be able to conduct relevant analyses and model simulations, we need updated and detailed datasets for use in our own models. It is not sufficient to purchase external price forecasts and market reports alone. Considering this need, it is effective to structure and consolidate the work on forecasts and datasets in this process every other year. 

We welcome feedback on our market analyses.