2024 in numbers: 

  • Zero new energized facilities in untouched natural areas.
  • 0.033 km² of vulnerable or valuable nature affected by new energized facilities.   

We will: 

  • Reduce environmental impact by documenting the use of the mitigation hierarchy in all Statnett projects.
  • Integrate nature into a comprehensive transition plan for Statnett.

Mitigation hierarchy

Statnett has set a goal to document the use of the mitigation hierarchy in all projects by the end of 2026. The mitigation hierarchy is an international methodology aimed at minimizing negative environmental impact. In practice, this means to avoid conflicts where possible, limit the impact of necessary measures, restore damages caused during operations, and as a last resort, compensate for the loss of critical habitats by restoring nature.  

In line with the mitigation hierarchy, Statnett will strive to:


  • Negative impacts on vulnerable and valuable natural areas.
  • Fragmentation of large, continuous natural areas.
  • Major emissions or other significant environmental incidents.

Limit and reduce:

  • Land and material usage as well as negative impacts on nature.

Restore and compensate:

  • Natural areas and habitat loss caused by projects and operations.

Impact on nature 

Statnett's power lines, stations, cables, and operational activities affect nature. The impact varies between habitats and different stages of the infrastructure's lifecycle.


Power lines typically represent a relatively limited natural intervention for vegetation, with pylons and forest clearing being the most significant impacts. The direct land use is small and will have little local effect on vegetation in open landscapes.

However, in forests, power lines require clearing of corridors with adapted clearing zones. This can affect both viable and threatened species through habitat changes. The effects depend on the type of forest the power lines pass through, and the biodiversity present in the forest.

During the construction of towers, stations, and underground cables, Statnett may contribute to the spread of invasive alien species.


Several bird groups can be negatively affected by Statnett's infrastructure. Collisions between power lines and birds can lead to injury or death. The likelihood of collision is related to species-specific characteristics and behavior, as well as the visibility and placement of the line in the terrain, choice of pylon type, and the presence of shield wires.

Many bird species are susceptible to collisions, including grouse, waterfowl, owls, and raptors. Mitigating measures that increase visibility, such as bird diverters on shield wires, can reduce collision risk.

Power lines can also negatively impact species that are not prone to collisions, especially through Statnett's land use, effects on nesting areas, or other important functional areas.

During the construction phase, human presence, helicopter and construction noise, and light pollution can also negatively affect animals. This has been documented for wild reindeer, for example.

Statnett seeks to avoid construction activities during critical periods related to mating, nesting, and calving for vulnerable and threatened species. We regularly participate in research projects to identify impacts on species.

Where Statnett establishes routes in species-poor production forests, the corridors can lead to more light penetration and growth of lower vegetation, which can have a positive impact on pollinators and other insects. For some deer species, new deciduous forest in cleared corridors can provide important grazing areas.