By developing more efficient market solutions, we increase the utilisation of the power system. Data-driven analyses in line with our risk acceptance will form the basis for these measures.

We will utilise capacity in the existing power system:

  • Increase implementation of non-firm connections
  • Increase the use of digital tools
  • Customise maintenance processes
  • Improve operations
  • Automate system operations and enhance market-based solutions 

Increase implementation of non-firm connections

The most important short-term measure for connecting more customers is non-firm connection. This will require changes in special protection schemes and connection protections.

Furthermore, Statnett need to develop digital tools to enter and follow up non-firm agreements and managing an increasing number of non-firm connections in system operations.

Increase the use of digital tools

We will leverage on new technologies to optimise the capacity of the grid.

High-temperature Low Sag Conductors, Dynamic-Line Rating and increased use of sensors and data collection are examples of such measures. This will increase capacity by setting more accurate current limits.

In some cases, overloading transformers is an option to increase grid capacity and reduce land-use required by new transformers.  Voltage and temperature upgrades of power lines are additional measures to transfer more electrical power.

Elhub, a Statnett subsidiary, is an important tool for promoting more efficient use of the power system by providing consumers with price signals and information that enables consumer flexibility and energy efficiency.

Customise maintenance processes  

We need to optimise maintenance to increase the utilisation of facilities. This means using more sensors and collecting precise data through better monitoring.

Project execution and maintenance processes are to be closely coordinated to cause less and shorter outages, and thus more cost-effective maintenance.

Improve operations

Minimising outages and disconnections while performing maintenance without interrupting the power supply, will improve the continuous flow in facilities.

It will also result in fewer disconnections for non-firm connected customers and increased capacity for inter-trading in the electricity bidding areas.

Automate system operations and enhance market-based solutions  

Fulfilling our social mission requires significant changes to operational and market solutions. Remaining work to automate balancing is a high priority.

We will also increase system utilisation by developing more efficient market solutions in the Nordic region and in Europe. This will facilitate increased electricity trading and reduce operational imbalances.  

Further automation of system operations will focus on planning and information exchange between Statnett, grid companies and market participants. 

The most important long-term measures are the modernisation of the energy management system and further development of the Nordic Balancing Model (NBM).