The security situation in Europe is uncertain, and security of supply is contemporary high on the agenda.  

Simultaneously, the power grid is becoming more dependent on digital solutions that increases the vulnerability of the power system and creates a need for reinforced cybersecurity in our digital solutions.

Statnett will work to enhance security and preparedness in the power system:

  • Reinforce our ability to remain and restore normal operation
  • Retain critical internal expertise of strategic systems and facilities
  • Fortify Statnett’s position in the Total Defence concept
  • Ensure availability of spare equipment and supply chains
  • Maintain and reinforce cyber security
  • Further develop security culture within Statnett

Reinforce our ability to remain and restore normal operation

More integrated and automated systems increase complexity and requires robust solutions for all operational scenarios. This calls for up-to-date and solid digital infrastructure.

Additionally, we must have sufficient reserves to handle a more volatile and integrated power system. We will consider changes in the power system and ensure stable operation.

Given the current security situation, the likelihood for targeted acts of aggression against grid and facilities has increased. We must ensure relevant back-up solutions in case of fallouts and reinforce our ability to remain and restore normal operations, especially in times of crisis.

Retain critical internal expertise of strategic systems and facilities

Statnett’s personnel possess specialised expertise that will be in demand in the event during of major crisis.

Thus, we need to maintain an internal workforce with critical competence to effectively manage the operation, maintenance and emergency preparedness of critical infrastructure and systems.

We will enhance the standards for exercises, emergency preparedness and continuity planning. Consequently, we will clearly define the events we need to be prepared for.

Fortify Statnett’s position in the Total Defence concept

The Total Defence concept encompasses mutual support and cooperation between the Norwegian Armed Forces and civil society in connection with contingency planning, crisis management and consequence management across the entire crisis spectrum.

Statnett is to be a prominent participant in total defence and develop our emergency preparedness within the frames of the total defence concept.

We will assess how our selected approaches contribute to the overall effectiveness of this concept, both in the short and long term.

Ensure availability of spare equipment and supply chains

By stock-piling critical materials and standardisation we will increase our resilience and preparedness including availability of critical components.

Our procurement processes need to be agile and resilient, and they need to be distributed across a variety of domestic and international markets.

Statnett's supply chains should be prepared to always protect our property and service levels. Our choice of suppliers is from countries where Norway has established security cooperation.

Maintain and reinforce cyber security

To prevent, detect and manage digital threats to our infrastructure we must possess good capabilities within cyber security. This calls for solid baseline security.

We need to build adequate security into development and increase logging and monitoring. We will increase cooperation with other critical infrastructure stakeholders. This will enable us to stand together in the event of a major incident.

Further develop security culture within Statnett 

We will enable every employee to take better precautions and to react when they encounter potential security threats.

In addition, everyone at Statnett will be equipped to make the right choices in the face of a changed security-political reality