Nils Kristian Nakstad, Chair of the Board

Portrait picture of Nils Kristian Nakstad

Chair of the Board since 2022.

Experience: Nakstad is Managing Director of Enova, a role he has held since 2008. He has an MsC in Engineering from NTH and has worked as researched and Head of Section at SINTEF, in addition to having held roles in Norsk Hydro, Trondheim Preserving and Revolt Technology.

Wenche Teigland, Vice Chair

Portrait picture of Wenche Teigland

Elected in 2020, board member. Elected as Vice Chair in 2022

Experience: Teigland is a civil engineer and has very good knowledge of the power industry. She has been a member of the BKK Group Management for 13 years. She has good knowledge of grid operations and the Nordic and European power markets, and in 2012 she was a member of the government-appointed energy committee. Teigland is also a board member of the Vy Group.

Maria Sandsmark, Board member

Portrait picture of Maria Sandsmark

Board member since 2013.

Member of the Remuneration Committee and the Project Committee

Experience: Researcher at Møreforskning Molde AS, Associate Professor at Molde University College and consultant at ECON analysis.

Egil Gjesteland, Board member

Portrait picture of Egil Gjesteland

Board member since 2012.

Head of the Project Committee.

Directorships: Egypt Solar B.V.

Experience: Owner of Gjesteland Consulting, IT Director and Project Director for a number of Statoil’s oil and gas projects.

Christian Reusch, Board member

Portrait picture of Christian Reusch

Elected in 2020, board member

Experience: Lawyer from the University of Oslo and partner in Simonsen Vogt Wiig. Reusch has right to attend in the Supreme Court. In addition, Reusch has long experience from the Government Attorney, and he has been the Deputy Director at the Prime Minister's Office. Reusch was also a member of the Lysne II committee, which among other things studied digital border defence.

Hilde Singsaas, Board Member

Portrait of Hilde Singsaas

Board Member since 2022

Experience: She is Director General at the Norwegian Agency for Public and Financial Management.

Steinar Jøråndstad, Employee-elected Board member

Portrait picture of Steinar Jøråndstad

Employee-elected Board member since 2004, employee since 1981.

Member of the project committee.

Experience: Team coordinator in Statnett’s division for Systems Operations, Asset Management and Markets, Head of the nationwide Electrician and IT Workers Union, member of the Working Environment Committee and Chief Safety Representative at Statnett.

Ingeborg Ligaarden, Employee-elected Board member

Porstrait picture of Ingeborg Ligaarden

Employee-elected Board member since 2020, employee since 2015.

Experience: Senior analyst/product owner in Technology and Development, former risk manager. Prior to Statnett, Senior Consultant at Lloyd's Register/Scandpower and Researcher at SINTEF. Board experience from Tekna (The Norwegian Society of Graduate Technical and Scientific Professionals).

Børre Langgård, Employee-elected Board member

Portrait picture of Børre Langgård

Employee-elected Board member since 2024. Employed in Statnett since 2014.

Member of AMU i Statnett.

Experience: Senior Construction Manager. Leader at NITO Statnett (Norwegian Society of Engineers and Technologists in the Power and IT Sector). Prior to Statnett, management roles in infrastructure projects since 1994.